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Ashampoo UnInstaller Suite Monitor and remove Windows® applications. COMPLETELY. As its name suggests, Ashampoo UnInstaller Suite`s
 » Home » Utilities » Miscellaneous » Ashampoo UnInstaller Suite (full, english, digital_t) 1.31
License: Shareware
Version: 1.31
System: Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME
Size: 0
Date Released: January 26, 2002
Price: $34.47
Screenshot: Click here to see Screenshot
Downloads: 1421
Homepage: http
Date added: Sep 28, 2005
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Ashampoo UnInstaller

Monitor and remove Windows®
applications. COMPLETELY.

As its name
suggests, Ashampoo UnInstaller Suite`s primary function is to remove or `uninstall`
applications from Windows® systems. The question is, why should this
be necessary at all? Why do you need a special program? Why can`t you just
delete an application in the same way you can delete a file?

The full answer to this question could
fill a book. In a nutshell, however, modern Windows®
applications are very complicated "beasts". They
include large numbers of files that are often saved in many different
places, not just in the application`s own program directory. In addition
to this they also have even larger numbers of settings, sometimes
hundreds, which they record in Windows` central database, which is known
as the Windows® Registry.

Easy Mode
Expert Mode
Internet Cleanup
Delete Duplicate Files
Delete Empty Folders
Delete Temp Files
Font Management
UnInstall Watcher

It gets worse:

Many of the program files used by applications are often `shared` with other
applications. These files contain universal functions that many Windows`
programs use for common tasks. Even though these files are listed as `belonging`
to an application, if you delete any of them when you remove one application,
another application may stop working.

Why programs` own uninstallers usually
aren`t so good?

Nowadays almost all programs provide a facility for uninstalling
themselves again, at the very least with an entry in the Add/Remove Programs
section in the Windows® Control Panel. The trouble is, these facilities
normally only include the absolute minimum functionality. Most of them leave
large numbers of "orphaned" registry entries, settings and files
scattered all over your system, like tourists who leave all their garbage in the
woods after a picnic. (If you`re interested you can use Ashampoo UnInstaller
Suite in Expert Mode to test the performance of other uninstallers.)

Why is this?

Let`s face it, programmers don`t want you to remove their programs. Also,
writing a good uninstaller is a lot of work that doesn`t add to the
functionality of an application, so most programmers don`t bother. They choose
to play it safe, leaving everything you don`t see intact.

How Ashampoo UnInstaller Suite does the

Ashampoo UnInstaller Suite works by creating two "snapshots"
of your system, one before you install an application and another one directly
afterwards. These snapshots record the entire status of your computer system,
including all registry entries, the locations, dates, sizes and versions of all
files and the contents of all configuration files. Getting this right is
extremely complicated, and Ashampoo UnInstaller Suite does this difficult job
very, very well.

After creating the second snapshot the program
then compares it with the first and records all the differences in a special
file called an "installation log file", or "log file" for

When you tell Ashampoo UnInstaller Suite to
uninstall the application it loads this log file and uses the information it
contains to restore everything on your system to the way it was before you
installed the application. New files, directories and registry entries are
deleted. Changed registry entries are restored to the values they had before you
installed the program. If you use the File Backup feature (only available in
Expert Mode) you can even restore any original files that were overwritten by
the installation of the application.

What Else Can You Do with This

Uninstalling Windows® applications easily and
completely isn`t the only thing you can do with Ashampoo UnInstaller Suite. This
powerful program includes a whole range of other powerful integrated modules
with functions that make it an indispensable tool for any Windows® user:

Creative uses for the monitoring and
compare functions:

Since Ashampoo UnInstaller Suite can compare and reverse all the changes made to
your system between two defined points in time you can do much more with the
monitoring and compare functions than just uninstall applications! For example,
you can use them to find out where and how programs store their settings - you
just need to compare the changes to the files and registry before and after the
program does its work.

Or you can use Ashampoo UnInstaller Suite as a
safety net when you`re experimenting with configuration and registry settings -
just save your configuration before making changes, create a log file after
making the changes and you can then always revert to the original state if the
new settings don`t work. The possibilities are endless! (This functionality is
only available in Expert Mode!)

Finding and deleting duplicate files
Finding and deleting temporary files
Finding and deleting empty folders
Managing and deleting fonts
Deleting your Internet trail

Ashampoo UnInstaller Suite System Requirements

Operating System: Windows® 95, 98, Me,
NT 4.0, 2000, XP

Computer: Any computer that runs one of
the above operating systems at a reasonable speed.

RAM: 64MB on Windows® 95, 98, Me, on
Windows® NT, 2000 and XP more RAM recommended.

Hard disk space: 20MB Software:
Microsoft® Internet Explorer Version 4 oder higher required 

for the module
Internet Cleaner and recommended for the module Internet Tuner.

Contacting Ashampoo-Support:

If you have any problems or questions about this program please contact our
support hotline staff at one of the addresses shown below.

You can also contact support directly by selecting the options in the `Internet`



E-mail support:

Mail address:

ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG

Felix-Wankel-Str. 16

26125 Oldenburg / Germany

© 1999 - 2002 ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG


So far, nothing for that!


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